






French VAT late declaration: beware of violating the penalty provisions!

Chinese enterprises through the French companys cross-border business activities in Europe, will often encounter a problem, that is, how to reasonably avoid taxes. In this regard, we will introduce the situation of French VAT late declaration, and warn enterprises to beware of violating the penalty provisions.

French VAT late declaration

According to the regulations of the French Tax Administration, when the enterprise receives service fees or other commercial expenses from EU member states during the previous tax period, it shall pay value-added tax in accordance with the value-added tax rate of France. This means that enterprises must report to the tax authorities in the month or the next month after receiving the fees.

However, many enterprises do not report taxes in time after receiving fees, or find that they have paid less taxes after reporting taxes, and they will be punished by the French Tax Administration. According to relevant regulations, the French Tax Administration can impose late penalties or less tax payments on enterprises, and the specific amount can vary from enterprise to enterprise.

In addition, the French Tax Administration also stipulates that if the enterprise does not report taxes in time within three months after receiving the fees, it will be regarded as “fraud” and will be subject to severe penalties.

In view of the situation of French VAT late declaration, enterprises should take into account the value-added tax rate of France when making EU member state company service fee payment decisions, and report taxes in time. At the same time, enterprises should also pay attention to avoiding violating the provisions of fraud, so as to avoid severe fine punishment.


上一篇 2024年7月25日
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